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Secure your names, slogans and logos with USPTO


Protect your trademark in the entire United States


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Why Trademark Research Is Critical?

Detailed research of trademark is highly recommended for the immature and start-up business particularly. Before we head forward with the further formalities of the official registration of your brand or intellectual property, we go for in-depth research regarding your mark. Our comprehensive research enables you to rectify and ensure that your business mark is not in use by anyone else in the corporate market. Practically speaking, by doing so, we help you save enough time and money. We are strict about pre-checking your trademark, as the USPTO filing fees is non-refundable.

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Our Process

Hassle-Free Registration Process To Protect Your Brand Name

As per the regulations governing trademarks, Trademark Registration has developed a comprehensive and legally sound registration process for our trademarks. Our trademark registration process is designed to provide our clients with an efficient and effective means of protecting their intellectual property rights.

Answer a few questions

Spend a couple of minutes filling out a simple questionnaire. Give us some basic information about trademark and describe your goods and services you provide.

We run a comprehensive search

We search international, federal, state, common law, social media and domain name databases to identify possible conflicts.

We send you a detailed report

The detailed report identifies all matches, including full trademark registrations for international, federal, and state trademarks.

Possible Concerns Arising During Logo Or Brand Name Registration

There is a maximum possibility that your trademark registration applications can be rejected due to a similar name already in use in the outside market and registered in the USPTO database. Even though the name is not identical, homologous or nearly similar names may confuse the customers, and in the end, you might lose a potential customer. .

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Trademark Clearance Search Prior Filing

Trademark Clearance Search is an in-depth search process and examines various trademark databases for direct conflicts between your trademark at the state and federal levels. You are recommended to search for conflicting trademarks because it allows you to understand whether your brand (name, logo, sentence, etc.) is ready for Registration without any problems in the USPTO (US Patent and Trademark Office). A full review of USPTO databases, trademarks that are not registered, web searches, and national trademark records helps determine whether the trademark registration should be filed. So you can save (non-repayable) fees and avoid loss of time by searching appropriately.

? When should we consider trademark protection for your brand

Anybody introducing a new brand identity or planning on offering newly branded services or products should take the necessary steps to protect their trademark.

? How long will the registration process take

The answer to this question will differ from agency to agency and based on staffing changes and enhanced technologies at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If you’re asking us specifically, you can count on the entire application process to take from 08 to 12 months.

? When can I use the R symbol

If you have a federally registered trademark, you will be able to use the R symbol. For every other mark, whether unregistered or registered, you will not be required to add a designation. However, we always advise mark owners to attach the ‘SM’ or ‘TM’ symbol to tell the industry that your company name, logo, or symbol is proprietary to your services or goods.

? What are my chances of achieving a trademark registration

We always tell our clients that we aren’t ‘oddsmakers’. In other words, you get exactly what you pay for. Our teams are skilled in improving the likelihood of your success. They perform clearance to search for similar trademarks before sending out an application and picking a highly distinctive mark.

?How long will the federal trademark registration last

It can take up to 10 years. Also, the registration can easily be renewed so long as you have made sure to maintain an uninterrupted use of your trademark in interstate commerce.

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